Monday, January 23, 2017

Literature for Language Development

Course title: Literature for Language Development Full marks: 100
Course No. : Eng. Ed. 331 Pass marks: 35
Nature of the course: Theory Periods per week: 6
Level: B.Ed. Total periods: 150
Year: Third  Time per period: 55 minutes
1. Course Description
This course is designed with a view to orient the students to the various genres of literature to develop their linguistic competence through it. The unit one deals with general introduction to English literature, its basic features and its short history. Unit two mentions how literature can be used to develop language. The last unit introduces various genres of literature and their teaching to develop language skills and aspects.

2. Course Objectives
The general objectives of the course are as follows:
  • To acquaint the students with literature and its genres.
  • To familiarize the students with an understanding of the literary devices used in language development.
  • To help the students explore and enjoy varieties of literary genres for the development of language skills and aspects.

3. Specific Objectives and Contents
Specific Objectives

  • Define literature and classify literature into different genres.

  • Describe the language of literature

  • Explore and exemplify various features and devices of literature.

  • Present a brief outline of the history of English literature.
Unit I: Introduction to Literature                                            (30)
1.1 Definition of literature
1.2 Classification of literary genres
1.2.1 Poetry: epic, lyric, ballad, ode, elegy, sonnet, free verse, shape poem
1.2.2 Prose: fiction and non-fiction
      • Fiction: myth and legend, fable and parable, fairy tale, short story, novella and novel
      • Non-fiction: essay—descriptive, narrative, reflective, expository and argumentative; travelogue
1.2.3 Drama
  • One-act play
  • Three-act play
  • Five-act play
1.3 The language of literature
1.3.1 Phonological, graphological, lexical/semantic and grammatical features and deviations
1.3.2 Figures of speech
  • Metaphor and simile
  • Personification
  • Hyperbole
  • Allegory
  • Irony
  • Metonymy
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Paradox
  • Parody
  • Pun
  • Sarcasm
  • Satire
1.3.3 Prosodic features
  • Rhyme: sound and sight rhyme, full and half rhyme, intra-line and interline rhyme     
  • Rhythm: rhythm in poetry and prose
1.3.4 Alliteration and assonance
1.3.5 Cohesion and coherence
1.4. A brief history of English literature
      1. The Elizabethan Age
      2. The Neo-classical Age
      3. The Romantic Age
      4. The Victorian Age
      5. The Modern Age
      6. The Post-modern Period
  • Illustrate the aims, objectives and significance of literature in language teaching.
  • Discuss various approaches to using literature in teaching language.
  • Discuss the importance of literature in teaching different language skills.
  • Use literary genres to develop language skills.
  • Use literary genres to develop language aspects.
Unit II: Literature for Language Development                       (20)

2.1  Aims and objectives of teaching literature
2.2  Approaches to using literature with the language learners
2.3  Literature for development of different language skills
2.3.1 Listening
        2.3.2 Speaking
        2.3.3 Reading
        2.3.4 Writing
2.4 Literature for development of different language aspects
2.4.1 Pronunciation
2.4.2 Vocabulary
       2.4.3 Grammar
  • Interpret and appreciate English poems.
  • Plan lessons to teach poems.
  • Teach English poems to develop language skills and aspects.

  • Interpret and appreciate English essay.
  • Plan lessons to teach essays.
  • Teach essays to develop language skills and aspects.

  • Interpret and appreciate English short stories.
  • Plan lessons to teach short stories.
  • Teach short stories to develop language skills and aspects.

  • Interpret and appreciate English novels.
  • Plan lessons to teach novels.
  • Teach novels to develop language skills and aspects.

  • Interpret and appreciate English one-act plays.
  • Plan lessons to teach one- act plays.
  • Teach one- act plays to develop language skills and aspects.

Unit III: Exploring Language through Literary Texts         (100)
3.1 English poetry
      1. Extract from Muna Madan (trans. Michael Hutt)
      2. When We Two Parted  by George Gorden, Lord Byron
      3. Harlem by Langston Huges
      4. I Hide Myself Within by Emily Dickinson
      5.  Confluents by Christina Rossetti
      6. Lulaby by Lesie Marman Silko
      7. I am the People, the Mob by Carl Sandburg
      8. Adversity by Michael Dillon
      9. Anthem for the Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen
      10. Valentine poem by Mc Gough
      11. A Day Comes Once by Gopal Prasad Rimal (trans. Tara Nath  Sharma)
      12. The Lost Children by Mary Oliver
      13. After All the Tragedies Are Over by D H Lawrence
      14. Solitude by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
      15. I Know a Man by Robert Creeley
      16. Our Earth will Not Die by Niyi Osundare
      17. Keeping Things Whole by Mark Strand
      18. Novella by Adrienne Riche
      19. Flower by Dinesh Adhikari (trans. Robin Sharma)
      20. I am Talking to You My Sister by Lenrie Peters
      21. The Face of Hunger by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali
      22. Dear Child by Walter Odame
      23. Horse Play by Ayyappa Paniker
      24. Kathmandu: A Symphony of Dreams by Banira Giri (trans. Tara Nath  Sharma)
      25. Shine, O Youth, Shine by Shiddhicharan Shrestha (trans. Madhav Lal Karmacharya)
      26. A Girl by the Roadside  by Vishnu S. Rai
      27. Lahure Flower! I Want to Change Your Name by Tirtha Shrestha
      • Designing materials to teach poetry
      • Planning lesson to teach poetry

3.2 English essays
      1. My Mother's Boots by Susan Spano
      2. The Beach by Mary Borden
      3. The Nature and Aim of Fiction by Flannery O’Connor
      4. World without End by Helen Thomas
      5. Democracy and the Youth by DP  Bhandari (trans. Govinda Raj Bhattarai)
      6. Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell
      7. Why I Write Short Stories by John Cheever
      8. A Word for Autumn by A. A. Milne
      9. The Student Life by William Osler
      10. Tradition and the West Indian Novel by Wilson Haris
      11. Independents by Anthonia Kalu
      12. What is Style by Mavis Gallant
      13. The Way I Live Now by David Leavitt
      14. Who Killed Benny Paret? by Norman Cousins
      15. Responding to Landmines by Princess Diana
      16. A Recollection of Journey to Stratford-Upon-Avon by GR Bhattarai
  • Designing materials to teach essays
  • Planning lesson to teach essays

3.3 English short stories
      1. The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy  
      2. The Umbrella Man by Roald Dahl
      3. Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway
      4. The Handler by Damon Knight
      5. My Greatest Ambition by Morish Lurie
      6. Fountains in the Rain  by Yukio Mishima
      7. My Life with the Wave by Octavio Paz
      8. The Day They Burned the Books by Jean Rhys
      9. The Advanced by Henri Lopes
      10. Mugumo by Ngugi Wa Thiong’o
      11. Workday by Awuor Ayoda
      12. Danny’s Girls by Bharati Mukherjee
      13. Sister Imelda by Edna Obrien
      14. The Way We Live Now by Susan Sontag
      15. Of White Haris and Cricket  by Rohinton Mistry
      16. War by Luigi Pirandello
      17. The Unknown  Martyr by Pradip Menyangbo (trans. Govinda Raj Bhattarai)
  • Designing materials to teach short stories
  • Planning lessons to teach short stories

3.4 Novel extracts and novels
      1. The Mimic Men by VS Naipaul's  ( Section ONE)
      2. To the Lighthouse  by  Virginia Woolf  (Pages 1-30)  Novels
      3. Heidi by Johanna Spyri
      4. The Kite Runner by Khalid Hussinee

  • Designing materials to teach novels
  • Planning lessons to teach novels

3.5 English one-act plays
      1. The Trials of Brother Jero by Wole Soyinka
      2. The Man in a Case by Wendy Wasserstein
      3. A Talk in the Park by Alan Ayckbourn
      4. Dream on Monkey Mountain by Derek Walcott
  • Designing materials to teach one-act play
  • Planning lessons to teach one-act play
Note: The figures in the parentheses indicate the approximate periods for the respective units.

4. Instructional Techniques
The instructional techniques for this course are divided into two groups.  The first group consists of general instructional techniques applicable to most of the units. The second group consists of specific instructional techniques applicable to specific units.

4.1. General Instructional Techniques
  • Lecture and discussion
  • Demonstration
  • Self- study

4.2. Specific Instructional Techniques
Unit III:  Role Play and Dramatisation
Units I, II and III: Presentation
Units II and III: Project work
Units I and III: Group and individual work

5. Evaluation
Units         Marks
I: Introduction to Literature 20                    
II: Literature for Language Development 20                    
III: Exploring Language through Literary Texts                       60                    

This is a theory course. Hence, the learning of the students will be assessed through the annual examination held by the Office of the Controller of Examinations. The types and number of questions in the annual examination are given in the following table:

Nature of questions
Total questions to be asked
Number of questions to be answered and marks allocated
Total marks
Group A: Multiple choice items
20 x 1 mark
Group B: Short answer questions
8 with 3 ‘or’ questions
8 x 7 marks
Group C: Long answer questions
2 with 1 ‘or’ question
2 x 12 marks

6. Recommend Books and References

Recommend Books
Abrams, M.H. (1998). A glossary of literary terms. Delhi: Macmillan. (For unit I)
Maley, A. (2006). English through literature. Beijing: Central Radio & TV University. (For unit II)
Awasthi, J. R., Bhattarai, G. R. & Khaniya, T. R. (Eds.) (2010). Explorations in English. Kathmandu: Editors. (For all units)
Lazar, G. (2010). Literature for language teaching. Cambridge: CUP. (For units II-III)
Nayar, P.K. (2009). A short history of English literature. Delhi: Foundation Books. (For unit I)
Rai, V.S. & Gautam, G.R. (eds.) (2010).  Language through literature. Kathmandu: Editors. (For units II & III)
Wales, K. (2001). A dictionary of stylistics. England: Pearson. (For unit I)

Cudden, J. A. (1992).  The Penguin dictionary of literary terms and literary theories (3rd edition). India: Penguin.

Long. J. W. (1973). English literature. India: Kalyani Publishers.

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